
For example,

def greet_user():#定义函数print("Hello!")Now, we just need to input greet_user() and Hello! will be shown on the screen.

o   向函数传递信息



# -*-coding: utf-8 -*-def greet_user(username): print("Hello!" + username.title()) name = input("Please input your name.\n")greet_user(name)

在这里面,形参就是指子函数def greet_user(username)括号里面的,实参就是最后一行里面的name所代表的。

o   关键字实参

def describe_pets(animal_type, pet_name):print("\nI have a " + animal_type + ".")print("My " + animal_type + "'s name is " + pet_name.title() + ".")describe_pets(animal_type = 'cat', pet_name = 'hurry')#关键字实参


o   默认值

def describe_pets(pet_name, animal_type = 'dog'):#默认值设置print("\nI have a " + animal_type + ".")print("My " + animal_type + "'s name is " + pet_name.title() + ".")#typ = input("Please input the type of your pet.\n")#name = input("Please input its name.\n") #describe_pets(typ,name)describe_pets(pet_name = 'hurry')#关键字实参


·        返回值

o   返回简单值。此处返回值与C语言中类似。

o   让实参变成可选。可以利用指定一个默认值,即为空值即可。用到就在后面实参里写上,用不着就直接用默认的空。

o   返回字典。例如,

def build_person(first_name, last_name):person = {'first': first_name,'last': last_name}return personmusician = build_person('jimi', 'hendrix')print(musician)

·        传递列表

o   在函数中修改列表

For example,

def print_models(unprinted_designs, completed_models):while unprinted_designs:current_design = unprinted_designs.pop()print("Printing model: " + current_design)completed_models.append(current_design)

Finally, unprinted_designs will not have any element. But, what if we want to retain these elements? The answer is as followed:

Use slice. function_name(list_name[:]).

For example, when we call function print_models(unprinted_designs, completed_models),we need to change it to print_models(unprinted_designs[:], completed_models).

·        Pass lots of actual parameter

o   Using *name as a formal parameter, this is just like a list.. For example,

def make_pizza(*toppings):print(toppings)make_pizza('mushrooms', 'green peppers', 'extra cheese')

o   Using **name as a formal parameter, this is just like a dict.

·        Import functions(★★★★★)

o   Import whole function

For example,

import pizza #There is a function file called pizza.pypizza.make_pizza(16, 'pepperoni') # We need to point out the function from which file

o   Import specific function

from module_name import function_name

If we use this, we do not need to point out the function from which file.

·         Using as to specifying aliases for functions(用as为函数指定别名)/using as to specifying aliases for module(用as为模块指定别名)/import all functions from module.

   from pizza import make_pizza as mp   import pizza as p   from pizza import *