1. 编写通常接受一个参数(字符串的地址),并打印该字符串的函数。然而,如果提供了第二个参数(int类型),且该参数不为0,则该函数打印字符串的次数将为该函数被调用的次数(注意,字符串的打印次数不等于第二个参数的值,而等于函数被调用的次数)。是的,这是一个非常可笑的函数,但它让您能够使用本章介绍的一些技术。在一个简单的程序中使用该函数,以演示该函数是如何工作的。
//C++ Primer Plus Edition 5//Chapter 8 Homework 1#include<iostream>using namespace std;void show_ch(char *str, int n = 0);int num = 0;int main(){ char name[10] = "zhang"; cout << "如果第二个参数为0,那么输出(这是第一次调用):" << endl; show_ch(name); cout << "输出结束" << endl; cout << "第二次调用输出结果:" << endl; show_ch(name, 3); cout << "第三次调用输出结果:" << endl; show_ch(name, 9); cout << "第四次调用输出结果:" << endl; show_ch(name, 32); cout << "完成!" << endl; system("pause"); return 0;}void show_ch(char *str, int n){ ++num; if (n == 0) { cout << str << endl; } else for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) cout << str << endl;}
2.CandyBar结构包含3个成员。第一个成员存储candy bar的品牌名称;第二个成员存储candy bar的重量(可能有小数);第三个成员存储candy bar的热量(整数)。请编写一个程序,它使用一个这样的函数,即将CandyBar的引用、char指针、double和int作为参数并用最后3个值设置相应的结构成员。最后3个参数的默认值分别为“Millennium Munch”、2.85和350。另外,该程序还包含一个以CandyBar的引用为参数,并显示结构内容的函数,请尽可能的使用const。
//C++ Primer Plus Edition 5//Chapter 8 Homework 2#include<iostream>#include<string>using namespace std;struct CandyBar { string name; double weight; int hot;};void set_CandyBar(CandyBar &candy, char* n = "Millennium Munch", double w = 2.85, int h = 360);void show_CandyBar(const CandyBar &c);int main() { CandyBar candy; set_CandyBar(candy); show_CandyBar(candy); system("pause"); return 0;}void set_CandyBar(CandyBar &c, char* n, double w, int h){ c.name = n; c.weight = w; c.hot = h;}void show_CandyBar(const CandyBar &c){ cout << "Name: " << c.name << endl; cout << "Weight: " << c.weight << endl; cout << "Hot: " << c.hot << endl;}
//C++ Primer Plus Edition 5//Chapter 8 Homework 3#include<iostream>#include<string>#include<cctype>using namespace std;string convert_Big(string &str);int main() { string text,up; cout << "Enter a string (q to quit):" << endl; getline(cin, text); while (text != "q" && text!="Q") { cout << convert_Big(text) << endl; cout << "Next string (q to quit): " << endl; getline(cin, text); } system("pause"); return 0;}//string可以被看做是字符数组string convert_Big(string & str){ int limit = str.size(); for (int i = 0; i < limit; i++) { if(isalpha(str[i])) str[i] = toupper(str[i]); } return str;}
请提供其中描述的函数和原型,从而完成该程序。注意,应有两个show()函数,每个都使用默认参数。请尽可能的使用const参数。set() 使用new分配足够的空间来存储制定的字符串。这里使用的技术与设计和实现类使用的相似。(可能害必须修改头文件的名称,删除using编译指令,这取决于所用的编译器。)
//C++ Primer Plus Edition 5//Chapter 8 Homework 4#include<iostream>using namespace std;#include<cstring>struct stringy { char *str; int ct;};void show(const char *st, int n = 1);void show(const stringy &strc, int n = 1);void set(stringy& st, const char *t);int main() { stringy beany; char testing[] = "Reality isn't what it used to be."; set(beany, testing); show(beany); show(beany, 2); testing[0] = 'D'; testing[1] = 'u'; show(testing); show(testing, 3); show("Done!"); system("pause"); return 0;}void set(stringy &st, const char *n){ st.ct = strlen(n) + 1; st.str = new char[st.ct]; strcpy(st.str, n);}void show(const stringy &strc, int n){ for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) cout << strc.str << endl;}void show(const char *st, int n){ for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (strcmp(st, "Done!") == 0) { cout << "Done!" << endl; break; } cout << st << endl; }}
//C++ Primer Plus Edition 5//Chapter 8 Homework 5#include<iostream>using namespace std;template<typename T>T max5(T *a);int main() { int inte[5] = { 23, 55, 65, 12, 34 }; int max_int = max5(inte); double dou[5] = { 12.3,14.3,11.9,89.6,1.8 }; double max_dou = max5(dou); cout << "Integer MAX= " << max_int << endl; cout << "Double MAX= " << max_dou << endl; system("pause"); return 0;}template<typename T>T max5(T *a){ T temp = a[0]; for (int i = 1; i < 5; i++) { if (a[i] < temp) temp = a[i]; } return temp;}
//C++ Primer Plus Edition 5//Chapter 8 Homework 6#include<iostream>using namespace std;template<typename T>T maxn(T *a, const int n);template<> const char* maxn(const char **a, const int n);int main(){ int a[6] = {3,6,1,8,2,9 }; double b[4] = { 9.8,8.56,193.1,4.3 }; const char *c[5] = { "HAHAHA", "BALABALA", "XIAOMOXIAN", "hengli", "very good" }; cout << maxn(a, 6) << endl; cout << maxn(b, 4) << endl; cout << maxn(c, 5) << endl; system("pause"); return 0;}template<typename T>T maxn(T *a, const int n){ for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) if (a[i] > a[0]) a[0] = a[i]; return a[0];}template<> const char* maxn(const char **a, const int n){ int i, j = 0; for (i = 0; i<n; i++) if (strlen(a[i])>strlen(a[j])) j = i; return a[j];}
//C++ Primer Plus Edition 5//Chapter 8 Homework 7#include<iostream>using namespace std;template<typename T>T ShowArray(T arr[], int n);template<typename T>T ShowArray(T * arr[], int n);struct debts { char name[50]; double amount;};int main(void) { int things[6] = { 13,31,103,301,310,130 }; struct debts mr_E[3] = { { "Ima Wolfe",2400.0 }, { "Ura Foxe",1300.0 }, { "Iby Stout",1800.0 } }; double *pd[3]; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) pd[i] = &mr_E[i].amount; cout << "Listing Mr.E's counts of things:"; int ans_int = ShowArray(things, 6); cout << ans_int << endl; cout << "Listing Mr.E's debts:"; double ans_dou= ShowArray(pd, 3); cout << ans_dou << endl; system("pause"); return 0;}template<typename T>T ShowArray(T arr[], int n) { T ans = arr[0]; cout << "Template A\n"; for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) ans+=arr[i]; return ans;}template<typename T>T ShowArray(T*arr[], int n){ T ans=*arr[0]; cout << "Template B\n"; for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) ans += *arr[i]; return ans;}